Daripada catatan The Social Contract 3 oleh CheDet 7. They also question the other concessions given the non-Malay communities, especially the schools and the use of other languages. 8. In short they seem to reject the social contract altogether and to go back to the situation before the leaders of the communities made their bargain. 9. Questioned as to what would happen if the British refused to give independence, they suggested that the Malays resort to armed struggle and co-operation with a neighbouring country. They suggested that we should have formed Melayu Raya together with this neighbouring country. Bukankah Ketika sebelum orang-orang PKMM ditangkap, kita semua sudah bersetuju untuk merdeka dengan darah ? Apabila UMNO berkompromi dengan British, maka dia terpaksa akur dengan syarat-syarat British, termasuk memberikan kerakyatan. Soal kerakyatan memang mesti timbul apabila Kontrak sosial dibicarakan. Akan tetapi kontrak sosial begitu huduh, sudahlah "terpaksa" memberi...
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