Daripada Beras Padu , saya terjumpa satu berita yang disiarkan di gata.org mengatakan Negara China akan berusaha dengan program perintis untuk memnyelesaikan perdagangan antarabangsanya menggunakan matawang yuan berbanding sebelum ini USD. China's central bank said yesterday that it plans to implement a pilot program that would settle overseas trade with the Chinese currency instead of the US dollar. The People's Bank of China will expand financial cooperation with overseas economies and "properly deal with the global financial crisis," the central bank said. "We'll actively join international efforts to tackle the global financial crisis while safeguarding national interests," the central bank said. It pledged to implement a pilot program that the State Council announced last month. China will allow the yuan to be used for settlement between Guangdong Province and the Yangtze River Delta, China's two economic powerhouses, and the special ...
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