Saya terbaca artikel yang dipetik daripada buku HowGoogleWorks . , tentang bagaimana nak mengurus emel oleh EricSchmidt. Nampak macam lebih kurang berkait sedikit dengan Mengurus apa hendak dibaca supaya tidak dikawal orang lain OK Google, sambung menaip.. Perkana no 3 When you open a new message, you have a few options: Read enough of it to realize that you don’t need to read it, read it and act right away, read it and act later, or read it later (worth reading but not urgent and too long to read at the moment). Choose among these options right away, with a strong bias toward the first two. Remember the old OHIO acronym: Only Hold It Once. If you read the note and know what needs doing, do it right away. Otherwise you are dooming yourself to rereading it, which is 100 percent wasted time. If you do this well, then your inbox becomes a to‑do list of only the complex issues, things that require deeper thought (label these emails “take action,” or in Gmai...
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