Penasihat Ekonomi DAP, Teh Chi Chang telah ditemubual wartawan berkenaan pembelian Eurocopter . Kandungan temubual adalah lebih kurang dengan catatan blognya yang ini . Apabila ditanya tentang pembelian eurocopter, Teh suggests that the government focuses on plans that improve on local infrastructure such as drainage and roads and postpone extravagant projects for example the high-speed broadband and overpriced military purchases such as the RM2.3 billion Eurocopters. "You can postpone it three, four years. While defence is a very important aspect of a nation's security, I highly doubt that anyone is going to invade Malaysia any time soon ," he remarked drily. Hehe... Eh tunggu sekejap. Tadi saya sudah membaca sedikit tentang Great Depression , dan ianya berkait dengan Perang Dunia ke II. Perang Dunia ke III akan meletus selepas 10 tahun krisis ekonomi?
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