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Apa Yang Tamadun Barat Telah Lakukan?

Zaman Tamaddun Islam dulu, ada tak masalah sampah yang berlonggokan sehingga memakan sebahagian besar muka bumi?

Sekiranya ada masalah sampah ketika Tamadun itu, dimana tapak sampah Tamadun Islam?

Tamadun China pula bagaimana?
Jed ada jumpa kitab lama mengatakan wujudnya masalah sampai sehingga memeningkan kepala maharaja?

Hebat Tamadun Barat ini ya?


  1. Salam saudara Hasbullah.
    Saya pun tak pasti macam mana masalah sampah diatasi oleh tamadun cina.
    Tapi lawatan saya ke Cina pada tahun 90an menunjukkan bahawa sanitasi di kawasan kampung lebih teruk daripada malaysi. Di kampung nenek moyang saya, toilet berada di luar dan merupakan satu lubang saja. Tapi kani telah membina satu toilet baru.
    Tamadun Cina dulu memang ada kegemilangannya dan "kekejamannya".
    What I dun agree about Western civilisation is how they try to force other ppl to follow their ways and label other ppl's beliefs as superstitious etc 'cos the West fails to appreciate and understand such comments.
    And I wished they stop trying to democratise every country so that they will be exactly the way the West is...
    Western civilisation has invented so many gruesome weapons for conquest and to allow them to force weaker nations to "liberalise" for "trade" (usually means sucking the country's resources) or "modernisation" (usually means cheap labour in "third world" countries....)
    Is the West TRULY civilised? Is science and tech the only measure of civilisation?
    And the Western media has this nasty habit of demonising anything that challeges their positions or worldviews....


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