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Hyperinflasi Berlaku selepas Deflasi Sementara?

Sila baca artikel di DollarDaze Bertajuk How Deflation Creates Hyperinflation oleh Eric deCarbonnel.

Ia menceritakan bagaimana dulu, sebelum berlakunya "Great Depression", ada berlaku deflasi sedikit.

Deflation Creates Hyperinflation

Despite the glacial rate money is moving through the economy, the dollar has started to fall again, and gold has begun to rally. As this continues, investors will begin to questions the safety of treasuries, and sell them off. The money coming out of treasuries will add fuel to gold's rise and the dollar's fall. Once the dollar hits new lows and gold breaks convincingly over $1000, Investors expecting deflation will begin to panic, and a flood of money will come out of treasuries. It is then that hyperinflation will begin in earnest.

Kini "Deflasi Sementara" yang dimaksudkan itu sedang berlaku, harga komoditi jatuh, minyak jatuh, penoreh pening kepala dan sebagainya. Dalam blog ini saya panggil "False Dollar Rally".

Agak menyeramkan pula apabila ianya dikatakan berakhir. Hari ini emas naik ke USD 85x.
Perak yang mingu lepas 9.4x kini 11.x

Jangan panik.


  1. Bhai....

    benda nie naik sekejap jer... tapi lepas tue turun balik...

    apa-apa pun gua jangkakan harga minyak mentah akan naik balik kepada sekitar USD$70 seawal bulan 6 tahun depan...


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